Jumat, 10 April 2009


Since a teacher is my profession, So I think It is not a mistake if I say that I approximately agree with some opinion stated by many people about teacher, because when we talked about that job, our imagination will be focus on an old wise man rode an old bike, brought an old bag and titled as Oemar Bakrie as the song sung by Iwan Fals. That was a previous teacher. But the function of both previous and present teachers are transferring their knowledge to all people who need it especially students. The teacher is the one who always share his great ideas with all his heart without thinking about the recompense , ”Who will return all my sacrifice?” He is also a qualified person who has a willing to create a qualified generation for our beloved country, Indonesia. The teacher who always think about the future of Indonesia although Indonesia will never ever think about his own future, his welfare. He is the one who always think about how important our Indonesia to be equal with the progress countries in the world, to be the prosperous countries like them, to be a welfare country with welfare teacher. However, what is the response of all the teacher’s creation? Who is the capable person who can answer that question? it must be the government’s turn to think about the real entity then decide a special extra budget for those who have helped us to develop our country, the one and only, A TEACHER. The teacher who has created a little young girl become a minister. He has also created a little young boy become a president. And now, definitely, It is a job of the Minister of Education even the president to make everything’s coming true, Struggling THE TEACHER’S WELFARE. But as a matter of fact, the government started his promise for educational budget with a very little point, 4% then after several years become 20% and till now on, I really don’t know, Has it implemented already or not? Well, planning is only planning. And the realization from the government is still in the process of thinking. It’s a kind of discourse analysis. So, who will struggle the teacher’s welfare if it doesn’t come from the teachers themselves? Let’s hand in hand to struggle our right, to struggle our position that we also need some extra appreciation and cash annually, as the teacher in Malaysia, Singapore, America, England and all countries in the world and of course the government should not postpone it till several years. If we just stay cool, submit to one’s fate, it means we are absolutely agree with government’s decision who always make the teacher’s profession as a just profession need not a reward and respectation. The existence of teacher will be left behind, and it is impossible to make our education go forward and qualified without some interferences from the teacher. The future of Indonesia depends on a great qualified teacher who worked professionally to improve the quality of Education in Indonesia. And for that reason the government should represent the voice of teacher, the voice of nation. Because from his voices, the students understand what will they do to develop the nation. improving his welfare means improving the educational quality. And Insya Allah, the teacher will be more responsible and professional in doing his job. Hopefully!

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